Forebodere : : Usage


Running The Bot


To run Forebodere, you will need to create a Discord application, create a bot and generate a token. With this token, you can then run Forebodere by either passing in the path to the quote hord and token as arguments:

forbodere --hord /path/to/forebodere.hord --token discord_token

or by exporting the token to the DISCORD_TOKEN environment variable:

export DISCORD_TOKEN=discord_token
forebodere --hord /path/to/forebodere.hord


To run Forebodere with Docker, you should pass in the discord token you generated as an environment variable:

docker run -e DISCORD_TOKEN=discord_token autophagy/forebodere:latest

However, this will create a quote hord within the container that will not survive when the container is destroyed. To have a persistent quote hord, mount the empty hord

docker run -v /path/to/forebodere.hord:/app/forebodere.hord \
-e DISCORD_TOKEN=discord_token autophagy/forebodere:latest



Using the command !addquote will add any text after the command as a quote, including the submitter and the datetime it was submitted.


This command returns all valid Forebodere commands, as well as a brief description.


This generates a Markov chain from the quote hord and returns it to the channel. This command may not return anything if the quote hord is too small for a sufficiently novel chain to be generated.


Using this command by itself as !quote will return a random quote from the quote hord. If the command is followed by text, such as !quote hello world, the bot will attempt to return a random quote that contains the text hello world. If the text that follows the command is of the form !quote id:10, it will attempt to return the quote with the id of 10.


Please don’t sue me, Khaled Mardam-Bey.


Returns the status of the bot (such as quotes, latency, uptime) and of the underlying system (Python version, node name, platform).

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